Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sunday School

It's been years since the last time I had taught to the kids in our church and it was Sunday when I was back on the track again.
I miss this feeling of interacting with them because this experience and the past experiences is a breath of fresh air.

Hello Again friends!

It's been so long since the last time that I posted here. Probably it was a month or more than that.
Anyway, I miss you guys. I miss posting random stuffs here that I know, somehow, you could connect on to.

Friday, February 25, 2011


Me with some of my co-teachers
Yesterday, teachers from our baranggay were assembled to talk this important agenda, the k12. It was said that the 10 years of education (kinder ,primary, and secondary) in the Philippines is not enough.I wonder if it would be turned to a Republic Act or not. :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

A trip to Cebu

These past few days, I wasn't able to post anything as we were at Cebu. We stayed there for a couple of days as my friend, Felix, asked us to help him in the wedding celebration that he proposed to his co-workers.

Here as some shots taken by my daughter:

The Magellan's Cross
A lot of tourists, especially Koreans, visit this place. The area is filled with historic buildings. 

Some of the statues in the Basilica Church

At fort San Pedro:
I could say the area is so wonderful as it was filled with historic insights.

At the Taoist Temple:

Last night , we were on my husband's (Alfredo) senior night. It was fantastic since everyone looked so good with their attire. 
Me with my husband

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Thursday, February 3, 2011

The sunny weather completes my day as the good weather brought by the Lord to us in our town caused a harmony to everybody. Perfect in a sense that He still remains faithful in our life. :)

<a href="http://einujackie.com" title="God Brought Me Here For A Reason" target="_blank"><img src="http://i93.photobucket.com/albums/l65/jackie090981/picture_20perfect_20logo1-2-1-1.png" alt="Picture Perfect" title="Picture Perfect" /></a>

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Drift Wood (Part III) Multi-tasking

The 4th year students were all busy in practicing for their field demonstration. I could really say that in unity, their comes harmony. It is really lovely seeing them cooperating for something. I wish the spectators would enjoy their performance.Go fourth year students! We are all proud of you.

Me, with some of my colleagues and our baranggay captain. Look above our booth, you could see a student lending his hand to beautify what we had started by adding some intricate details on it.

Indeed in hardwork, you could find happiness.
And here, my student...

A portrait of me. :) It was really hard doing two things at the same time. I watched and observed the students practicing their field demonstration while I was doing our school booth. But I did not wasted the chance of taking snaps on beautiful scenes.

And here are some of our unfinished work:

The unfinished fountain.
I am so excited to see the outcome of this. I could imagine the sound of water plus the sound of silence. Probably after this, I would stay here for awhile to meditate my eyes.

I love this table. It looks so good. I want to buy one for our home. :)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Drift Wood (Part II)

Around 2 p.m., some of our students helped us in making our booth using driftwoods for the annual competition held in our town, Iponan. I never imagined that they would be eager to help us, despite of the bad weather. I never knew how patient they were until this thing occurred. It was not just an ordinary day.

Here is one of the nicest entry for this year designed by our town councilor, Boyboy Rara.

Look at this trash turned into a magnificent wall ornament arranged by our town councilor. Yes, this goes to show that there is still beauty in things if we just put some effort in making it attractive.

 And look at the rest of the pictures. Aren't those amazing? :)

Monday, January 31, 2011

Me with my daughter, Johanna.
She is the one who helped me in making out this blog. :)

Drift Wood (Part 1)

Instead of worrying for tomorrow's prejudging on our booths (an annual event for our town festival), a kind-hearted man offered some of his drift woods, beautiful plants, and  even gave us his hand to design for landscaping.
It was such a relief that someone comes along the way to answer our problems. This is a good example of God's goodness. He would not allow us to grieve in times of problems, but instead he would sent someone to lend his/hand.
It wasn't my first time to experience events like this. With my 42 years of existence, I received a lot of help from different people from different walks of life. All of those things, caused me to allow God to intervene in my life. It caused my faith to be stronger as each day goes by.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Rainy Days in Sundays

It is so ironic that in this month of January, it's raining cats and dogs. I was expecting it to be more humid and hot because Summer season is near. Probably, it was because of the climate change we are experiencing.
Anyway, my point here is that the cold weather should not be reason why we should be absent in our church. It's an obstacle that we need to face. We need to wake up, do our 'thang' and try our best to be early at church.

Friday, January 28, 2011

A Mother of three Wonderful children and of 49 wacky students

It had been my desire to make a blog of my life. I want to write things that would help mothers feel in love with their husband, children, and even their extended children ( my students ). Letting everyone feel important and loved as what our Father  did to us...
                  I need to compose myself  since the things that makes me feel sad is still fresh and the pain hurts me so much.

      Anyway, I am Dahlia Hilario Tongco, 42 years of age. Living with my two kids (instead of three) and a Godly loving husband who is Alfredo Cerna Tongco Jr..
     I am a secondary school teacher and my sweet honey pie is an administrator in one of the biggest school in our city. My eldest Jhad Lith is now happily residing with her Maker..she's the reason why i'm doing this...She was at the hospital when we agreed to write a book...She suggested the following title: "My God Truly Heals'.."A Big Leap of  Faith" ...and mine was..."The Faith of a Mother".

I need to  compose myself first. til next day.God Bless!

(to be continued)